Captured Cupid offers moments to Last Forever

Special Events

Be sure to capture every life moment with our photography and videography services. From just a couple of photos to full length documentaries and highlight videos we can create what you are looking for! Some Examples of what services we offer are listed below!

Get Started by clicking contact us below!


Photography & Videography Events:

Graduation Photography

Holiday Portraits

Family Photography


drone $700

Adding this will allow for fun creative shots that we could never get before making your video stand out from the rest!

announcement VIDEO $750

Adding an announcement video includes interviews with the special guest for the event that can also later be used in the highlight video!


Receive personal messages from friends and family. We will gather these interviews throughout your day.



Included: 30-90 Days

Rush Delivery

  • $850: 15-30 Days

  • $1275: 4-15 Days

  • $2500: 1-4 Days



  • USB: $12 (Each)

  • DVD: $28 (Requires Set-up*)

  • BluRay: $35 (Requires Set-up*)

*Set-up:  $300 one time fee includes 1 DVD or BluRay